Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe

Donna Dangle
3 min readAug 18, 2021

Do you know the difference between vibration and frequency? Vibration is a person’s emotional state — the rate at which the body “hums” — reflecting the intensity of energy within the body. It can also relate to the atmosphere of a location, as in “this place has a really good vibe.” Frequency is the rate at which a vibration occurs, and is measured in units of hertz (Hz) per second. It is how vibration is extended outward and felt by others.

Our vibration is based on our life experiences (past and present), outside influences, and how we internalize — or don’t — feelings and emotions. The more positivity in our lives, the faster our energy moves, and the higher our frequency resonates. Joy, happiness, love, peace, harmony, balance, kindness, compassion and understanding are just some of the emotions that raise our frequency. On the other hand, fear, doubt, jealousy, envy, impatience, insecurity, hatred and judgment will pull your energy down, as will disease and addictions. [See diagram below.]

There are four core areas that directly impact your vibration.

1. Emotional — It’s important to find balance in the way your experience your emotions. Stability is the key here.

2. Mental — Accept what is happening without the need to analyze every little thing. Things that bring this down are stress, difficulty making decisions, or being mentally exhausted.

3. Physical — Most of us have a tendency to question our physical appearance, and carrying unhappiness here will lower your frequency. Work to make improvements, if that is what you desire. But releasing the judgment about your physical self will have a positive effect.

4. Spiritual — Connecting with your true spiritual self, beliefs, and ideals will help you reach your highest vibration. Seeing yourself as more than just a human being. You are a spiritual entity!

It certainly isn’t easy to maintain a high vibration all of the time, but awareness is a good beginning. The Law of Attraction says that what we give out affects what we bring in. Being cognizant of our frequency level may help us understand what we are or are not manifesting in our lives. One way to control and elevate your frequency is through intention — your reasons for doing what you do, acting the way you act, and treating people the way you treat them. Try looking at what is occurring in your life and ask yourself “What is the best I can do in this moment?” And then go do it.

Sending you Good Vibrations!

“Everything in life is vibration.” ~ Albert Einstein

“Lower vibrations exist with material reality, higher ones with mystical reality, and a full vibrational spectrum with expanded reality.” ~ Dr. Valerie Hunt

“As you think, you vibrate. As you vibrate, you attract.” ~ Abraham Hicks

“Let your love send off so much positive energy that it shifts the vibrations in the room.” ~ Anonymous



Donna Dangle

I am a healer, a spiritual teacher, and a shepherd guiding clients at Body & Soul Shepherd, LLC to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.